Sunday, January 7, 2007

Making Ready

In the book "The Missional Leader" (Roxburgh/Romanuk) there is a chapter called "Cultivating The Imagination of The Missional Leader" in which I found some interesting perspectives regarding the question of whether the mainline denominations or indeed any church based on the traditional models can or will adjust to the cultural situation we are in now. The authors suggest that there is evidence that some individuals are begining to demonstrate a willingness and ability to look at the unconscious narratives that are shaping the way they think and live. This is a hopeful sign that it may be possible to create an environment wherein these questions can be asked and discussed. In the mean time it does appear that it is the job of leaders to provide gentle guidance and prompting in this direction. After considerable effort to engage a variety of people in this dialog it does appear that for a variety of reasons only a small minority are presently equipped to engage these questions head-on. Leaders are going to have to be patient and intentional about providing the conceptual foundation and language necessary to realistically engage those who do not have the background or familiarity with the issues that underlie much of this conversation.

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